Results Window

The Results Window Results Window contains simulation results from the development model and economic calculations, as well as results from a PetroVR Portfolio model.

When invoked from the Toolbar it shows the results for the last simulation run; the button will be disabled if the project has not been simulated yet. Also, by using the Open Results File Open Results File option in the Tools Menu you can open a saved results file (.rlt), which allows you to browse results from a project other than the one currently open.

Use the Navigation Bar on the top or the Tree View on the left to select the result you wish to study. The pane on the left will display the data related to the object currently selected.

The Results node Results root node comprises two tabs: Simulation Timeline is a copy of the timeline shown in the In Last Simulation tab (Schedule), where all jobs corresponding to the project are displayed over time; and Surface Layout copies the schematic overview of the project from the Surface Layout. Both are especially useful for viewing results from a project other than the one currently open. Note that these are flattened, non-interactive copies of the timeline and layout. You can use the commands below to zoom in, zoom out, zoom normal, fit to screen and select a region to zoom.

Right-click options available in the root node:

  • Publish to the WebPublish to the Web: Publish the current deterministic and probabilistic Plan results to the web (see Publishing PetroVR Projects).
  • Publish to DataflowPublish to Dataflow: Publish the current Plan and Scenarios deterministic results to Dataflow (see Publishing PetroVR Projects).
  • Signatures: Display the signatures of the PetroVR model and the results file (see Model Signatures).

The Results File (.rlt)

A Results file results file (.rlt) is generated every time you calculate an economic model (result files for PetroVR Portfolio projects have an extension .pfl.rlt). It contains all results produced by the simulation and the calculation of the economic model, except for history of events at the facility- and well level, and individual well production profiles.

Results files are always specific to one Plan model and one Econ model; they are not used for storing the comparative analysis of results produced e.g. by the Scenarios tool.